“Mike helps athletes filter through all the "noise" they hear and tune into the cues and words that positively impact and work for them. In just 3 months, we have seen so many positive changes in our son. He is more calm, relaxed and able to respond to challenges and adversity in a less-reactive/reflexive way. ”
-Maria Finnegan
“The confidence I see in the players after completing the training, and the on field results, make this a no brainer. Vision training has been the difference between a good team and a great team, and only magnifies the other physical training players are doing.”
- Coach Rob Hege, SBA
Ver Coaching has helped her timing and tempo which carries over very well to the offensive aspect of her game & the visual acuity portion of the program has really benefited her receiving skills behind the plate as a catcher.
-Scott Y.
He manages his frustrations with an umpire’s strike zone much more effectively than before. He is not rattled with difficult counts. He just leans on his Ver Training, calms himself, and executes his pitches.
-Joe Sr.