Program Training

Ver Culture

Whether an NCAA program or a volleyball training facility, being able to offer training across all teams can make a huge impact on the lessons learned by the athletes.

Coaches Workshop

Changing the language used with players, and better understanding how the verbal cues can make in impact in practice and during the game…Ver can provide coaching training to the entire program/facility.

Training Camp

Whether over a two week stint or a weekend, Ver can offer a training to help kickoff a season or help with a change.

Parent Workshop

Taking lead in the conversation of “what is helpful” for their athlete and the team to shine and “what is harmful” for player/person development and growth. Words are powerful, and phrased yelled from the stands during a big game, or the conversations in the car before or after can have a drastic impact on how the athlete performs, and the growth in sports and in life. The Ver team tackles this head on by having the discussion, training for future scenarios, and building a space for growth to occur.